🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 Reiki For Humans 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
My own NEWLY CHANNELED healing technique called 5D Crystal Reiki. This 5D Crystal Reiki is for humans. This Reiki is channeled from the 5th dimension including crystal healing frequencies. A session might include crystal dragon or color healing too. The crystal healing frequencies is from the Crystal Deva healing modality. Crystal Deva is the higher consciousness of all crystals, kind of like the higher being of 3D crystals. Therefore, Crystal Deva has its own intelligence so it knows where to send the healing energy to where the person or animal needs it the most. Also, I will look at your 7 major chakras, aura, physical and emotional body to see if they need clearings and healing. I will send crystal healing frequencies directly into them for a more efficient and deeper healing. There are many crystal functions that can be used during a session and they are all complimentary to the 5D Reiki.
Sign up for a session now! I promise the energy will feel different, purer and stronger than regular Reiki from the 3rd dimension.
All my energy work is being channeled from the fifth dimension from now on whether if the Reiki is for humans or animals. No more 3rd dimension energy because it is becoming outdated, diluted and weak. The energy of the people, planet and universe are all changing to a higher frequency so the Reiki energy of the 3D is just not cutting it anymore. We need higher vibrating healing techniques to help all of us to go fully into the 5th dimension and my new 5D Crystal Reiki healing technique will do just that!
I am now offering long distance 5D Crystal Reiki for people, yes the two legged creatures! A brief intro to Reiki: It's from Japan, discovered by a monk named Dr Usui. It is a type of energy healing channeled through the practitioner's hands to the recipient. The energy can be sent in person with hands on the body or long distance without touching. Reiki is powerful but gentle. Reiki can be used for emotional, mental, physical, energetic or spiritual issues. 5D Crystal Reiki was born from the Reiki that Dr Usui channeled.
This energy session is done at the comfort of your own home or where ever you would like to be. I will be sending you 5D Crystal Reiki for your highest good and for whatever issues your higher self would like to work on. For best results, ask your higher self and angels to facilitate the healing and use the powerful but gentle healing energy towards the highest priority that's needed for you right now. You don't have to do anything to prepare for this healing session. Just go about your day and receive a healing while you work or play. My healing team and I will be doing all the work. This is a pure channeling of 5D Crystal Reiki healing energy, there will not be any intuitive readings.
I do not have to be physically present for you to receive this energy. I can send 5D Crystal Reiki to any parts of the world. Reiki can be done in no time or space. This purchase is for long distance session only. I will send as much Reiki as you need in one sitting.
Common Benefits:
---Decrease pain and discomfort
---Decrease level of stress and fatigue
---Increase relaxation, vitality and wellbeing
---Increase levels of happiness and giddiness
---Increase your creativity and manifestation power
---Possibly increase abundance and prosperity which means more money! That's my favorite. :D
The process is very easy. Just purchase a session for yourself below and I will send the energy within 48 hours. All you have to do is notice what a positive difference 5D Crystal Reiki can make in your life.
You can buy a session for a loved one too.
Email me at [email protected] to book an appointment for yourself or a loved one. I am taking payment through Venmo. My Venmo username is @daisy-chen-23. In your email, please state the full name of the person (your name or loved one's) receiving the Reiki so I can focus my intention towards the right recipient. Thank you!
Price subject to change anytime.
1 session is $55
2 sessions is $95 (both sessions needs to be paid at the same time to receive discount)
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional or doctor or veterinarian. I do not diagnosis, prognosis or treat any symptoms, conditions or diseases. This Reiki session is not a substitute for medical treatment. Reiki is best as a compliment to medical treatment. Please seek medical help and treatment as needed.